Category Archives: Ethics & Morality

Apologist have it wrong again.

Apologist have it wrong again.
A critical piece about Jim Spiegel’s “Unreasonble Doubt”

The apologist Jim Spiegel wrote a recent article claiming what are the reasons why people are atheists. He starts the traditional apologetic response that there must be a god because there had to be a reason something must come from nothing and atheists don’t believe in god because they a biased and don’t want a god. That is not the reason why he wrote this piece. Jim claims that atheists are not rational as we claim we are. We have a non-rational claim why we don’t believe in their deities.

 Jim states that atheists repress the truth of god because we had troubled lives because of wickedness. It is that wickedness that suppresses the truth of god. Jim quotes from Romans as evidence that there is a god. The good old the Bible said so argument. He claimed that atheists don’t want change in their life because we don’t want to be “genuinely religious person.” He source is the Philosopher Mortimer J. Adler. The writer claims that Alder has not be religious most of his life. Well if he has done the research. Mr. Adler has been a supporter of theism most of his life. Around his twenties Mr Alder read a works of St. Thomas Aquinas and became a supporter of Thomism. From there he because a supporter of Catholicism and officially baptized Catholic in his eighties. He also points that since we are designed from god. We all have “sensus divinitatis,” a sense of the divine from god. The reason why Atheists are denying “senus divinitatis” is due to sin.

 The last part of this article, I believe is the low point of the article, talks about family troubles. Yes, he believes that most of the great atheist philosopher’s of the past were because who they were because. They had a mostly fatherless lives.

 It is not sin, hatred, or being fatherless that leads us to atheism. It’s what you called the lack of evidence and the logical fallacies of theism. For me for example, I don’t support the idea of a god due to the lack of scientific evidence of it and most of my life I love learning about science. I was taught not to believe without proof and good evidence to support the claims. Well a deity in this world clearly lacks these evidence. He can’t test or peer-review a deity, so we can not support the idea of a god.

 Also lets look at the philosophy ideals of it. The major thing that led my away from Christianity is the ideals of “suffering.” Why would a good and loving god let evil on this world? Why does god let one person live after a natural disaster while the rest of his or her village is gone? The only answer that apologists can tell me that “suffering” is the result of sin from Adam and Eve event in the Bible and we are unable to understand to know god’s reasons. Well if we are made in god’s image and made us smart. Why did god have to make us stupid to know god’s reasons. It does not make sense.

Lets go back to the article. Jim Spiegle uses baseless claims on most of his ideals in the paper. Atheists don’t care what the Bible tells. He had bad research or lied about Mortimer’s religious ideals. The ideal that atheists became who they are because they were fatherless is a fallacy due to the fact I meet and read about many theists who had bad or no relationships with their fathers and still Christians. Mr. Spiegel needs to stop writing or talking about who and what atheists are until he actually knows where we are coming from.


If I had a personal soundtrack. This will be on my playlist.

Why should I believe that a deity has control in our lives that it must cause suffering?

If someone dies and believe that it was done by a reason of which we don’t know is a fallacy.  Death is a common on this planet and it part of nature. There is no plan set for our lives. Our lives are short. It’s better to do as much as you can before our lives end.

Why do people do bad things in the name of God?

One of the main reasons why I don’t like religion is due to all the suffering it caused. The many wars it supported, the genocide in the name of their gods, and to control people. The Pope uses his “granted” authority under their version of god to control the lives of billions of people who lead to war, genocide, and spread of HIV in Africa due to their ban of protection devices.  Usama Bin Laden believe he leading a war against the enemies of his god and terrorism is a necessary force to protect his version of god. Branch Davidians believed that David Koresh is the final prophet of god and they need to fight and die against anti-Christ US government.

Why do they do these things? It’s called faith. Faith is believing without evidence. Their faith is powerful that they will do anything to support their imaginary friend even if it causes suffering to many people and who maybe innocent as well. Because of this support of the ideals of faith. Millions of people have died fighting each over for who has the better imaginary friend.

What does this have to do with me?

Religion itself is one of the big reasons why I don’t believe in a god and religion in general. Religion is one of the most disruptive forces on the planet. I seen, hear, and watch people fight and die over who has the better god. It has brought genocide on this planet by condoning it their holy books.  A good example is the Jewish conquests of Judea. Their god commanded to kill all their enemies (including women and children) and livestock. Today, Jewish and Christian apologetic condone the mass genocide of people because in their holy book said that the enemies were wicked and the Jews needed the land and we can’t judge god because it’s not our duty to judge his morality. I can call bullshit on that and say we can just god’s morality in the bible. There is no excuse on this Earth to support genocide.

Religion can blind people from reason. There are millions of Americans who believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old and the end times is coming. They deny facts because those facts goes against what they believe. I can give my creationist friends TONS of evidence supporting my ideal, but chose to be blinded because of their faith. A 2,000 year old book says it’s true is not always true.

We live in a universe that is SO BIG that we are just a speck of a speck of a speck and so on. There is a possibly that there are BILLIONS of Earth like planets in this universe and some of them may contain intelligent life. Why would a god pick this one speck of a planet and one very very small speck of a tribe to be its chosen people where in that time there are hundreds of civilizations to choose. The chances are that tribe created their god to prove themselves that they are powerful than anyone else. Gotta love propaganda.

God is just damn to small compared what is in our universe.

Just like the artist in this video. I will spend my time slowing pounding the tree that is religion and hopefully those people who cling to it’s branches will fall to the ground that is reason.

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Posted by on October 4, 2011 in Ethics & Morality, Religion


It’s been 10 years since 9/11

I know some of you may not like my thoughts on this situation, but they are mine and it needs to be explained.

As America morns the 10th anniversary of the terrorists attacks. Has really anything good have come out of this? The war started when I just beginning my senior year in high school and now I am 27 years old graduated from college and married for 2.5 years. What did we get out of this? Two wars bleeding the US economy and her people. With the death of Osama Bin Laden a few months back. I don’t see any slowing down on the war on terrorism nor any goals in sight.

9/11 lead me into fear and to hatred. This was the reason why I became an Republican. I wanted revenge and if launching invasions to prevent another US attack is needed. What did we create? We created more suffering and more enemies. Yep, Yoda was right.

There is an estimated 73,530 – 1,173,600 casualties since 9/11 (Civilian, military, and insurgents). Was those numbers worth it to avenge the 3,000 who died on 9/11?

Serj Tankian sums it up in this video of these glorious ten years.

What was the other result on 9/11? Without 9/11 we won’t have Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and many more “New Atheists” being much open about the dangers of faith.  I can surely see the dangers of faith on 9/11. 19 hijackers believer they are following Allah’s will to kill the infidels.  Their faith is as strong as the Christians who believe their god saved the survivors of 9/11 and help lead to the deaths of Osama Bin Laden and the like.

“Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where’s the harm? September 11th changed all that. Revealed faith is not harmless nonsense, it can be lethally dangerous nonsense. Dangerous because it gives people unshakeable confidence in their own righteousness. Dangerous because it gives them false courage to kill themselves, which automatically removes normal barriers to killing others. Dangerous because it teaches enmity to others labelled only by a difference of inherited tradition. And dangerous because we have all bought into into a weird respect, which uniquely protects religion from normal criticism. Let’s now stop being so damned respectful!” — Richard Dawkins

Another great video about this:

Also remember the victims of this horrible event. 3,000 people died on one day due to faith and ideology.


Posted by on September 11, 2011 in Current Events, Ethics & Morality, Religion


Well this is the biggest thing I am getting into.


As a Boy Scout for more than ten years I enjoyed and loved the experiences I had with them. I want to share to the same experiences as well to my future son(s) when I ever have kids. Yet, I can not because that organization bans homosexuals and non-believers in scouting. Until the BSA changes their policy on gays and non-believers. My family will not support the BSA.

There are thousands of atheist scouts now in the closet because they love scouting. Why do they have to do that? They need to be open. This policy hurts boys than what the organization thinks.

I set up a Facebook community page to promote the ideal of Atheist Scouting. Also ex-scouts can show their experiences of scouting. I have some ideas in mind on how to expand it. Like letter campaigns and the like.

I really hope you all support me in this endeavor.

Atheist Scouting

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Posted by on September 7, 2011 in Ethics & Morality, Religion



About a few times a week I go to to look at some political cartoons. There was a couple of cartoons that shocked me.

Here are the two:

We have people in America who believe that we need to mentally destroy some people in order to gather information. Is that really ethical? Does waterboarding really gather information. If all that really worked why did it take ten years to capture Osama Bin Laden?

This is the United States of America. For years we have preached that we are not tortures and do not do any evil like our enemies has. Yet, that is hypocrisy. We have been torturing people for years and it was mostly secretly. The United States is not the good guys. We are now the bad guys because we thought in order to fight the bad guys we must become the bad guys.

Here is some video of people who were waterboarded:

Vanity Fair’s Christopher Hitchens:

Conservative Talk Show Host Madcow:

Is this the America we want to support?